Wednesday, August 02, 2006

D is for Denver!

I'm camped out in Denver, siphoning some stolen power from an unattended walljack and transmitting on the (unsecured! Ha! Information wants to be free!) wireless network. I haven't slept in over 26 hours now, and I don't have any intent to chnage that until I've arrived in Detroit, and found my bed- this being, of course, my genius anti-jetlag plan. I'll be so dead that my body won't know which way is up! Take that, biology!

So it seems I've got some time. My flight boards at 5:55 PM, and it's 4:15 local time. In my head, it's 7:16 AM. I don't know whether I'm gaining a day, losing a day, trading a day, investing it... whatever. What I do know is that I can overhear conversations in English, and it's slowly driving me mad. With Japanese, I could turn off my understanding when I didn't want to listen to people. Korean, I never understood in the first place. But English... I've only heard English when people are talking DIRECTLY TO ME over this past year, which makes incidental encounters of my mother tongue somewhat distracting/disturbing/terrifying. It's as if everyone in the world is talking to me, and I've got little to nothing to say to them beyond "coffee".

I had meant to use this time to post all the pictures from my Korea trip. The connection is just fast enough to let me surf, but keeps timing out on the photos. I'll have to put them up later.

Hello from the Mile-High City. Whoo hoo. The airport, she is exciting.


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